Publishers of CCCC Outstanding Book Award Winners, 1991-2022

Publishers of CCCC Outstanding Book Award Winners, 1991-2022

This is a follow-up to the Library of Congress Classifications for CCCC Outstanding Book Award Winners, 1991-2018 post. Using the same data, I output this chart that shows which publishers have published the books recognized by the Conference on College Composition and Communication. The most frequent (SIU Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, Utah State University Press, and NCTE) are widely recognized as being devoted to publishing series/books in rhetorical studies, so there’s not much of a surprise there. The ones that stand out are the handful of publishers that were recognized once. MIT Press, for example, published The War on Learning: Gaining Ground in the Digital University by Elizabeth Losh in 2014, which makes more sense given that the book is focused on technology use in classrooms. And Ohio State University published Inconvenient Strangers: Transnational Subjects and the Politics of Citizenship by Shui-Yin Sharon Yam, which makes sense given that OSU Press’s recently started several series on rhetoric.

I had wanted to follow-up on the invisible colleges idea I wrote about a few years ago, but this didn’t quite pan out that way. There really isn’t much hidden here. Academics interested in publishing books in rhetoric don’t have that many options, so it doesn’t seem unusual that the most widely recognized publishers are also the ones that publish the most under the subject.


PublisherPublisher Occurrences
Southern Illinois University Press13
University of Pittsburgh Press12
Utah State University Press6
National Council of Teachers of English5
Parlor Press2
Peter Lang2
Bedford/St. Martin’s1
Bucknell University Press1
Cambridge University Press1
Free Press1
Indiana University Press1
MIT Press1
Ohio State University Press1
Palgrave Macmillan1
University of Hawaii Press1
University of Michigan Press1
University of Minnesota Press1

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